We -- both crazy
Not a typical story. Not that so common setup. I don't know where the line begins but what's important is it isn't ending. It's continuous as sun rise and set. Others might disagree but I got the gut to fight for it. When they say something good, I acknowledge it by thanks but when they give a not-so-pretty opinion, I respect it and smile. They don't know us. I just can't help it but have a lil composition of tears around my eyes when I'm remembering my prayers years or months ago are being answered little by little. I would say I was and is being challenge by few circumstances. I was in situation of losing my grip from it but there was this thought of nothing was wrong. When I was seeing the big picture, everything was fair. I was just letting myself surrounded by less than zero (negative) feedback. I tried to ignore them or even had myself being understood. Then, I stepped back a bit and realized, I let the rest of the work to God. They say "guard yo...