Loving your work

We work to earn money that will suffice our needs and our families'. Everyday we gotta get up from our beds and prepare ourselves for work. Spend almost half of your day in front of a computer answering questions, addressing concerns, etc. After that, you're urging to home or go somewhere else you can unwind. We normally get excited or nervous when we're newbie at work but when we've been spending years on it we get tired and get fed up. We find it repetitive and boring sometimes. Friends, yes we can lotsa of those in the office but when when we're too busy doing our tasks we tend to lose time jamming with them. 

Okay. I'm not trying to imply too much negative here. I'm just to illustrate how some people find their lives in the office. A maybe came to that same point and state of mind. But again, life depends on how you view it. Yes, work could be tiring but we can it fun. There's no easy job. You just gotta learn how to enjoy the things that you face everyday. It's just like not asking more than what you have but be thankful for what you're abundant at, that you didn't dreamed of at the first place. And I guess the very first thing you should be thankful for is that job that you have. Remember when you applied for that position, somebody else's were hoping to have it but you were chosen over them. Number of citizens are still unemployed and you're lucky that you're no longer one of them. You might be given tasks that you think aren't you're responsibility and you feel that it's unfair. Take it as challenge. Going extra mile is good thing. It's also another learning for you. You might have bad ass officemates. Well, they do exist everywhere but the best thing to do is to pretend that they don't. You may try hard making them your friend. Still try to be nice them but if reject you, it's not a burden you gotta take on your shoulder. There's still tons of observations and advises based on experience I would love to share but I gotta sleep now...Zzzzzzz coz I have a work tonight and I gotta see my awesome friends there. 


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